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dir. Zuzanna Solakiewicz, Zvika Gregory Portnoy / Poland / 2023 / 11’ / Warsaw premiere

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Kinoteka, plac Defilad 1, Warszawa, Polska

Directo(s)r: Zuzanna Solakiewicz, Zvika Gregory Portnoy
Cinematography: Zvika Gregory Portnoy
Editing: Zuzanna Solakiewicz
Sound: Marcin Lenarczyk
Producer(s): Zuzanna Solakiewicz
Production: Zuzanna Solakiewicz kornik filmowy
World sales: Zuzanna Solakiewicz kornik filmowy
Language(s): Polish, English



A young man from Africa is stuck in the middle of a primeval forest. He has just succeeded in crossing the EU border between Belarus and Poland. The area is searched by border guards and the weather poses an additional threat as the temperatures fall way below zero at night. Local activists bring the man the necessary supplies to survive in the forest and want to help him in the best possible way. But no one is able to help with the key issues of the refugee seekers. Then the young man gets news from home. He would do everything to be able to go back. But he is on a journey of no return.



Krakow Film Festival



Zuzanna Solakiewicz & Zvika Portnoy are Polish-Israeli documentary filmmakers’ duo based in the forests of Poland. They successfully made more than 10 productions in switched combinations of director & DOP & editor. They both studied at the Sam Spiegel Film School in Jerusalem. Solakiewicz previously graduated from the Warsaw University in Humanities, and continued her film education during an internship at the Lodz Film School in Poland, whereas Portnoy graduated from the Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts. Solakiewicz also went through the Berlinale Talents (2015) and EAVE (2018) programs. Their feature-length creative documentary “15 Corners of the World” won the Locarno Film Festival – Critics Week Award in 2014 and was awarded at the Belgrade IDFF, Bratislava IFF, Millennium Docs Against Gravity FF, New Horizons IFF, and FAME, among others. The film was screened worldwide at leading international film festivals, such as DOK Leipzig, SXSW, Zurich IFF, and distributed in cinemas, on TV, and VOD platforms.


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